Play format will be a traditional scramble with prices for men’s and women’s longest drive, straightest drive, closest to the pin and lowest scoring teams. These prizes, along with some great raffle prices will be awarded at the barbecue immediately following the outing. This event is not limited to Younger Members, in fact, the event is open to anyone.
Cost: $130 per person (includes greens fees, cart, prizes, and barbecue). Proceeds will benefit the ASCE South Jersey Scholarship Fund, which awards scholarships to deserving engineering students.
Corporate Sponsorship:
The American Society of Civil Engineers is a non-profit organization that advances civil engineering professionally and in the public eye. In carrying out our mission, we encourage lifelong learning and provide financial opportunities to students in the South Jersey area.
Each year we host a golf outing to provide scholarships to local deserving students pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering. This year we expect over 100 participants in the outing from many local engineering firms.
Sponorship Levels
- Silver Sponsor $250
- Your company will receive their logo on a sign at a tee box, in our event program, mention on our Facebook page, and on a sign at the awards ceremony.
- Gold Sponsor $725
- Everything the Silver sponsorship offers plus a spot for a foursome at the event.
- Platinum Sponsor $1000
- Everything the Gold sponsorship offers plus a table during the event for marketing and promotional items
- Prizes/Raffle Items Donations Accepted
- We are in need of gift items or baskets to be raffled off at the event. Your gift will be recognized in our event program and an announcement at the event.
Platinum Level